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2014-08-11     来源:生物谷

2014年8月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --类风湿性关节炎是一种引发机体许多关节疼痛炎症的一种疾病,其会引发关节囊肿胀,这种疾病往往会破坏机体的软骨组织和骨质;在世界范围内类风湿性关节炎影响着0.5%至1%的人群的健康,到目前为止医生们已经可以使用多种药物来缓解或者阻断该疾病的发展。近日,刊登在国际杂志PNAS上的一篇研究论文中,来自苏黎世联邦理工学院的研究人员通过研究开发了一种新型疗法,其在治疗患类风湿性关节炎小鼠的功效上可以达到一个新的水平,即小鼠在接受这种新型疗法治疗后会完全被治愈。


研究者Dario Neri教授表示,由于结合了抗体,当融合分子被注射到体内后IL-4就可以达到疾病患处,这就可以使得活性物质在疾病患处累积并且进行治疗,而机体其他部分的活性物质浓度极少,这就可以降低对机体的副作用。


在小鼠模型中,这种联合疗法可以带来一种长效的治愈效应,基于此前对动物模型的可行性研究结果,研究人员目前正准备在患类风湿性关节炎的患者中进行这种新型结合药物的临床试验,这项临床测试将会在明年进行,研究者希望这项研究对于开发新型治疗类风湿性关节炎的新型靶向疗法提供一定的帮助和希望。 (生物谷Bioon.com)


Antibody-based delivery of IL4 to the neovasculature cures mice with arthritis

Teresa Hemmerle1, Fabia Doll1, and Dario Neri2


Antibody–cytokine fusion proteins (immunocytokines) are innovative biopharmaceutical agents, which are being considered for the therapy of cancer and chronic inflammatory conditions. Immunomodulatory fusion proteins capable of selective localization at the sites of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are of particular interest, as they may increase the therapeutic index of the cytokine payload. The F8 antibody recognizes the alternatively spliced extra domain A of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis, which is strongly overexpressed at sites of arthritis. In this study, we investigated the targeting and therapeutic activity of the immunocytokine F8-IL4 in the mouse model of collagen-induced arthritis. Different combination regimes were tested and evaluated by the analysis of serum and tissue cytokine levels. We show that F8-IL4 selectively localizes to neovascular structures at sites of rheumatoid arthritis in the mouse, leading to high local concentrations of IL4. When used in combination with dexamethasone, F8-IL4 was able to cure mice with established collagen-induced arthritis. Response to treatment was associated with an elevation of IL13 levels and decreased IL6 plasma concentrations. A fully human version of F8-IL4 is currently being developed for clinical investigations.